July 15, 2021
Read time: 6 min.

Admission Campaign to Education Programs of Lviv IT Cluster Has Begun: Apply Now

The admission campaign at higher educational institutions in Ukraine has started on July 14. For those interested in IT, we suggest getting acquainted with the innovative degree programs in Lviv universities. Lviv IT Cluster has helped to update the curricula for all of the programs listed below, involving qualified IT professionals and university professors in this process. The learning process is devoted to creating student projects, teamwork, studying professional courses and English.

Where can you apply?

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

  • Statistics and Data Science
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Specialty Statistics (112)

Curriculum: Statistics 
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 60
Government contract: 32
Cost of education: 38,255 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  https://sds.lviv.ua/

  • Data Science & Intelligent Systems
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Electronics and computer technologies
Specialty Information Systems and Technologies (126)

Curriculum: Informational Systems and Technologies 
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 100
Government contract: 12
Cost of education: 24,942 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: http://itlnu.lviv.ua/

  • Software Engineering 
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Electronics and computer technologies
Specialty Software engineering (121)

Curriculum: Software engineering
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 75
Government contract: 6
Cost of education: 38,255 UAH per year
More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://swe.in.ua/
  • Sensor and Analytical Systems
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Electronics and computer technologies
Speciality Micro- and nanosystem technology (153)

Curriculum: Sensory and diagnostic electronic systems
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 100
Government contract: 55
Cost of education: 23,642 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://saslvivua.com/

  • HR Management
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Financial Management and Business
Specialty Public management and administration (281)

Curriculum:  Public management and administration; Personnel management in public authorities and business structures
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 40
Government contract: 4
Cost of education: 20,955 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  https://hrlnu.com.ua/

  • Cybersecurity 
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Specialty Cybersecurity (125)

Curriculum: Cybersecurity 
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 60
Government contract: 6
Cost of education: 29,878 UAU per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  https://cybersec.lviv.ua/

  • Electronics and Computer Systems
Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Electronics and computer technologies
Specialty Electronics and computer systems (171)

Curriculum: Electronics and computer systems 
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 100
Government contract: 5
Cost of education: 23,642 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://ecs.lnu.edu.ua/

  • Computer Science

Where: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Specialty 122  Computer science

Curriculum: Computer science Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 150
Government contract: 120
Cost of education: 32,670 UAH per year
More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://ami.lnu.edu.ua/computer-science


  • Data Science

Where:  Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Specialty 124 System analysis

Curriculum: Data science
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 85
Government contract: 67
Cost of education: 24,942 UAH per year
More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://ami.lnu.edu.ua/data-science

Lviv Polytechnic National University

  • Robotics
Where: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation, and Metrology
Department of Information and Measurement Technologies
Specialization Information-measuring technologies (152)

Curriculum: Robotics
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 195
Government contract: 53
Cost of education: 14,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: http://robotics.lviv.ua/

  • Internet of Things
Where: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Technologies and Metrology
Department of Computerized Automation Systems
Specialty Computer Science (122)

Curriculum: System engineering (Internet of Things); Computerized Automation Systems
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 150
Government contract: 65
Cost of education: 33,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: http://iot.lviv.ua/

  • Cybersecurity 
Where:  Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Department of Informational Security
Specialty Cyber Security (125)

Curriculum: Administration of Cybersecurity Systems; Informational Security
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 240
Government contract: 121
Cost of education: 33,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  http://secops.lviv.ua/

  • Artificial Intelligence 
Where:  Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Technologies and Metrology
Department of Computerized Automation Systems
Specialty Computer Science (122)

Curriculum: Artificial Intelligence; Selective block Artificial Intelligence Systems
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 450
Government contract: the information is being clarified
Cost of education: 35,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: http://ai.lviv.ua/

  • DevOps&Project Management
Where:  Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Specialty Information systems and technologies (126)

Curriculum: Information systems and technologies
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 100
Government contract: 22
Cost of education: 27,500 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  https://devpm.lviv.ua/

  • Business Analysis & Data Science
Where:  Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Specialty System analysis (124)

Curriculum: Specialty System analysis; Department of Information Systems and Networks
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 90
Government contract: 33
Cost of education: 33,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: http://ba-ds.lviv.ua/

  • IT Sales Management
Where:  Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Specialty System analysis (124)

Curriculum: IT product management
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 35
Government contract: 5
Cost of education: 27,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://itsalesman.lviv.ua/

Lviv State University of Life Safety

  • Cybersecurity 
Where: Lviv State University of Life Safety
Educational and Scientific Institute of Civil Protection
Department of Information Security Management
Specialty Cyber Security (125)

Curriculum:  Cyber Security 
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 30
Government contract: –
Cost of education: 25,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum:  http://infosec.lviv.ua/

IT Step University

Where: IT Step University
Specialty Computer Science (122)
Curriculum: Computer Science (Data Science, Business Analysis, Cybersecurity, Digital Design, Digital Economics, Management, Digital Marketing, and Sales)
Bachelor’s program intake capacity: 300
Government contract: –
Cost of education: 78,000 UAH per year

More info about the admission campaign and the curriculum: https://high.itstep.org/

Admission Campaign to Education Programs of Lviv IT Cluster Has Begun: Apply Now

The admission campaign at higher educational institutions in Ukraine has started on July 14. For those interested in IT, we suggest getting acquainted with the innovative degree programs in Lviv universities. Lviv IT Cluster has helped to update the curricula for all of the programs listed below, involving qualified IT professionals and university professors in […]
