September 19, 2024
Read time: 3 min.

Daily Salary to the Armed Forces: How IT Companies Support the Army on Defenders’ Day

With the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the government canceled all public holidays, but many tech companies allow their employees to use some number of paid days-off. However, on Defenders’ Day, the military will not rest, as they focus on the safety of all Ukrainians.

That is why, on October 1, for the third year in a row, the IT sector unites around the Day4Defenders campaign, dedicating this day to support the army.

The idea of the project is to make October 1, the Day of Defenders (Tuesday), a working day for the company, with all profits from that day being donated to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This year, more than ten IT companies have already joined the initiative Sombra, TechMagic, The Gradient, InVerita, OpenVPN, Ralabs, Codelions,, Inoxoft, Codegeeks, Impressit, Zade, Radency, Develux and others.

“This approach allows us to raise funds from foreign clients. Many Ukrainians already donate to the army, but their resources are limited. This initiative allows us to generate additional money and direct it to the critical needs of the military. Our clients are willing to pay for additional hours, as the work will continue as usual during this time,” – comments Lidia Dats’, one of the co-organizers of Day4Defenders.

In 2022, the IT specialists raised about UAH 2.4 million, in 2023 – more than UAH 3.9 million, and spent them on drones, cars, and generators for military units. This year, the organizers plan to raise more than UAH 6 million and purchase 20 pickup trucks for the hot spots of the frontline. The companies participating in the campaign also have the opportunity to donate these funds to their own campaigns or support the units where their employees serve.

“This is one of the most effective ideas for supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces that I know of. It is crucial that the funds raised through Day4Defenders are additional assistance and not a reallocation of money from one fundraiser to another. After all, this represents a salary for a working day that might not have been possible without this initiative. I am grateful to all the employees who are eager to participate in Day4Defenders,” comments Yuriy Barnovych, co-organizer of the campaign and representative of OpenVPN Inc., a participating company.

The project partners are the “1991” and “Where Hope Lives” charitable foundations, which will oversee the purchase and repair of vehicles. Participating companies will have the opportunity to brand the pickup with their logo, attend the car delivery, and receive a photo and video report.

Join the campaign and organize Day4Defenders in your IT company!

Here is the presentation: Presentation Link

If your company wants to join the campaign, please fill out this form, and the organizers will contact you:

Daily Salary to the Armed Forces: How IT Companies Support the Army on Defenders’ Day

With the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the government canceled all public holidays, but many tech companies allow their employees to use some number of paid days-off. However, on Defenders’ Day, the military will not rest, as they focus on the safety of all Ukrainians. That is why, on October 1, for the third […]