ELEKS and 1175 Estonians and companies collected all the necessary amount – EUR 385,000 to purchase a set of two high-quality Threod EOS C VTOL surveillance drones for the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces. The Estonian NGO Herojam Slava initiated a raising, and ELEKS donated EUR 252,000, which became the basis for further crowdfunding.
“We are waiting for operators for training in October, and the kit is ready to go to Ukraine with operators immediately after training!” said Jaanika Merilo, Head of ELEKS Tallinn Branch Office and co-founder of Herojam Slava.
“Ukraine needs eyes in the sky to expel the occupiers. Threod is one of the world’s leading surveillance drones, and it has proven itself on the battlefield for already 7-8 years”, explains Jaak Ennuste, co-founder of Heroiam Slava NGO and IT entrepreneur.
EOS C is a highly capable electric VTOL UAV with best-in-class flight performance and many unique features. It is a complex yet simple-to-use system with a capability usually found on bigger platforms.
“Martin Luther King said that He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Since the first days of russian aggression in 2014, the ELEKS team made a clear decision that it would not be inactive. Since the beginning of the active phase of the war in February 2022, we decided to use all our free cash flow to fight evil,” says ELEKS CEO Andriy Krupa.
For ELEKS, patriotism and work for Ukraine’s development have always been essential values. The Come Back Alive Foundation is one of our closest partners. Since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, we have regularly supported the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ELEKS specialists have organized an active volunteer movement, and the company helps them effectively close money collections, supports their initiatives, and disseminates information among specialists.