August 11, 2022
Read time: 2 min.

IT Generation: Recruitment of IT Schools is Underway

The new phase of the IT Generation project will be held on July 7. Entry for the IT schools wishing to take part in the project will be open within the next two weeks.

The initiative, named IT Generation, was launched by Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation in partnership with the Lviv IT Cluster and Binance, one of the world’s biggest blockchain ecosystems. The project is aimed at helping talented Ukrainians find themselves in one of the IT fields.

Requirements for education providers:

  • a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
  • organization, provision and implementation of the educational process in non-formal education (corresponding KVED (85.59) and/or license for educational activity);
  • professional experience of teaching students for at least 2 years;
  • successful experience in IT education, taking into account the following criteria: the number of students who successfully completed training and received a certificate of completion; the percentage of employment of students after graduation;
  • availability of the provider’s website in Ukrainian and/or English;
  • conducting the student selection process: testing and interview.

Educational institutions – residents of the Russian Federation or legal entities whose beneficiaries are residents of Russia, and those schools that have a negative business reputation on the market of educational services cannot participate in the project. Read more about requirements for education providers on the IT Generation website.

You can register on the IT Generation project by this link.


IT Generation is a pilot project launched by the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the support of the USAID program “Competitive Economy of Ukraine” and the project “Digital, inclusive, accessible: support for digitalization of public services in Ukraine”, by UNDP Ukraine.

About a thousand students are planned to be trained at the pilot stage. In the future, the state plans to scale up the project. Ukrainians between the ages of 21 and 60 who do not receive formal education, do not have qualifications and work experience in the field of IT can participate in the project. The duration of training is 2-6 months, depending on the specialization.

Recruitment of students will begin in August.

IT Generation: Recruitment of IT Schools is Underway

The new phase of the IT Generation project will be held on July 7. Entry for the IT schools wishing to take part in the project will be open within the next two weeks. The initiative, named IT Generation, was launched by Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation in partnership with the Lviv IT Cluster and […]