December 12, 2023
Read time: 3 min.

Workday for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Results of the Second Day4Defenders Campaign

The Day4Defenders campaign was held for the second time this year. The idea is to make the national holiday, the Day of Defenders, a working day and to donate all profits to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Last year, the campaign was initiated by TechMagic and supported by 3 other companies – Ralabs, OpenVPN and Askep. Together with the Support Ukrainian Army Foundation, we bought generators, winter sleeping bags and warm clothes for military units.

This year, company decided to continue the initiative and the number of participants tripled, because there is great strength in united support. TechMagic managed to consolidate efforts and raise UAH 3 874 896, 61 together with 11 other companies: OpenVPN, Ralabs, Visoft, Zade, Radency, Askep, inVerita, Impressit, Inoxoft, CodeLions, and Code Geeks Solutions.

“This is one of the most effective ideas for helping the Ukrainian Armed Forces that I know. It is significant that the funds accumulated through Day4Defenders are additional assistance, not a redirection of funds from one need to another. After all, this is a salary for a working day that would not have happened without our initiative. Thanks to all the employees who gladly took part in Day4Defenders,” comments Yuriy Barnovich, UI/UX Architect at OpenVPN Inc. and founder of the Support Ukrainian Army project.

Some companies supported their own fundraising and invested the money they earned on 2 October to buy technics for the military.

“The war hasn’t been forgotten in Lviv, Kyiv or any other city. Supporting the army is a must-have, and paying taxes isn’t enough. We understand that business can’t stand aside and must make an effort to support our military, who make it possible for us to work. We are grateful to the IT community, which actively supported our initiative and contributed to the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” add Lidia Dats, Co-Founder at TechMagic.

In total, the funds raised allowed to purchase 5 cars, 3 Mavic Pro, and 5 FPV drones. The remaining funds were also used to cover the small needs of various units: an antenna, grinders, chainsaws, airborne vehicles, winter uniforms, Bluetti, 50 CAT turnstiles, 11 headsets for R7 radios, turnstiles, medical supplies (haemostatic bandages, medicines), coffee, and other expenses. 

TechMagic decided to allocate its part of the amount to support the joint project of Lviv IT Cluster and Lviv RMA – “Shahedbusters”. These are mobile fire teams that work quickly in pickup trucks with special equipment when drones are detected. The company fully covers the cost of one such system. The remaining funds will be used for the following projects.

Ralabs directed the funds raised during the volunteer workday to buy laptops and phones for the Special Forces in Kherson region, and Inoxoft received 3 ‘Valkyries’ for the 45th Artillery Brigade.

Together, the IT community has helped the Special Operations Centre, Intelligence, 126th Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces, 3rd Brigade, 35th Brigade Combat Team, 21st Brigade, 105th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 80th Brigade, 92nd Brigade Combat Team and 73rd Naval Special Operations Centre, among others.

Supporting the Day4Defenders initiative isn’t just an opportunity for IT professionals, it’s also a good opportunity for customers to support Ukraine and contribute to the victory.

Workday for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Results of the Second Day4Defenders Campaign

The Day4Defenders campaign was held for the second time this year. The idea is to make the national holiday, the Day of Defenders, a working day and to donate all profits to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Last year, the campaign was initiated by TechMagic and supported by 3 other companies – Ralabs, OpenVPN […]