ZoolaTech is a custom software development company with expertise in UX/UI, cybersecurity, and product support services in the retail, e-commerce, fintech, construction, media, entertainment, travel, and hospitality industries. ZoolaTech simplifies the life of businesses by creating applications and websites or building entire systems from scratch.
The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, with offices in Kyiv, Guadalajara, and Wroclaw. Today, the ZoolaTech team consists of 450 people who work in all major cities of Ukraine, Europe, and LatAm.
The history of ZoolaTech began 5 years ago. In 2017, Denis Rogov and Roman Kaplun, founders and owners of ZoolaTeсh, decided to create a company where clients and team members work as partners and share common goals and values.
Since Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine, ZoolaTech has supported Ukraine with a univocally pro-Ukrainian position and assistance. Directed $800,000 to local charity requests, supporting the military and providing humanitarian aid.
“We are glad to join the Lviv IT Cluster. We’ll do everything within our reach to have a fruitful partnership, exchange of experience, and joint development of the technology industry of the city and Ukraine. It is important to unite and continue to work together for the victory of Ukraine and, by doing that, show our foreign partners that Ukraine remains the tech-savvy country with talented IT specialists and technologies,” says Roman Kaplun, CEO & Co-Founder of ZoolaTech.
“Strong interaction with IT companies that understand business needs and are ready to work together in implementing the most advanced practices in the community is the pride of our Cluster, and we are very happy to welcome ZoolaTech to this community of like-minded. I am sure that the contribution of their powerful team cannot be overestimated, and we are already waiting for the opportunity to join them on a project,” adds Stepan Veselovskyi, CEO of Lviv IT Cluster.